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Nice News

The book “Meet Me at the Mailbox: The Fabulous Mailboxes of Bainbridge Island" is full of photos, illustrations, and origin stories.

Let's post some pics of their good work.

Phil Sikora is friends with toloadmin

Phil Sikora is friends with George f Bigham

Ginny Luizer is friends with Phil Sikora

Phil Sikora is friends with Heather Rowe

Carl Weston is friends with Phil Sikora

Cheri Weston is friends with Phil Sikora

I found an old email of mine and the only thing I would add to the preceding extensive list is the need for a Communication Plan. How would a Board keep its finger on the pulse of the community? Making impactful decisions without comprehensive input

Not to quote the low-life Eldridge Cleaver, but you're either part of the solution or part of the problem (unless you're a chemist and then you're either a part of the problem or a part of the solution.)

Duh! As the Historical Preservation Committee was "encouraged" to present a Master Plan when seeking funds for our historical and pre-historical assets. the current Board remarked that they did not need to develop a Master Plan as the Committees are

Historical ARB documentation is useful to current ARB members/Community members in the present and moving forward. Censorship is a non-Community-minded approach and NEEDS to be eradicated. Knowledge is key. An educated consumer is our best customer,

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