Carl Weston is friends with Phillip Kempton
Carl Weston is friends with Lynn Brenton
In the 70’s and 80’s we lived in a development, where 100s of kids marauded the place on Halloween. Some were even trucked in from neighboring towns. There were very few little kids. A few that rang the doorbell and hollered trick or treat, were o
Carl Weston is friends with Linda Morrison
Carl Weston is friends with Victoria Love
Carl Weston is friends with George f Bigham
Carl Weston is friends with Warren Amason
Carl Weston is friends with Heather Rowe
Carl Weston is friends with Phil Sikora
Carl Weston is friends with Casper-Admin Liaison
Some of us are Book Club Widowers... that is while our spouses are at Book Club meetings, we may be alone, so we sometimes get together for fellowship, dinner, or to do something fun. Last week when the BCW met, we talk ...
Carl Weston is friends with Krista Amason
Basic Information
About me
Originally from Maine. Moved to Tolomato Island in May 2019. Love the place, the beauty of SE Georgia, and the people.
Retired from computing and telecommunications industries -
Music, used to own a farm -
Fishing, boating, Tracking (people with a dog), boxing as a spectator -
German Shepherd and 2 cats