This Tolomato Owners (TO) website was born on July 4, 2023 as an independent and alternative website created by Tolomato property owners and for ALL the property owners of Tolomato Island.  (This site is not related to the the official TIPOA site.)  The TO site's Mission and Purpose (click here) is to provide transparent accurate information that is of interest to all property owners of Tolomato Island, as well as, provide a fun place to communicate with other property owners and promote island fun.

Tolomato property owners created this site with a genuine hope that all of us will find it to be dynamic, informative, and fun!  We will be sharpening existing features and are always open to adding new ones in the future.

We invite you to register and login in order to take advantage of all the discussions, comments and get to know your neighbors.  You never know who you may share a common interest with and find your next Pickleball Partner, get a new Recipe From, and more.

Know Your Neighbor-This is perhaps the most exciting feature of our website.  Know Your Neighbor is a private "FaceBook" social media platform within our site and available to all owners who register.  If you are familiar with FaceBook, you will be "at home" with the features and social media capabilities available. We highly encourage all owners to create their login and participate in building a fun and welcoming community website.  

We also encourage all members to use the Calendar menu which integrates with the Know Your Neighbor features.

We truly hope that all Tolomato community members will use this site, enjoy it, and take advantage of what it offers!

Welcome Aboard


Casper-Admin Liaison
Casper-Admin Liaison
8 months ago
Tolomato Property Owners

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