Some individuals were... Show more

As I have previously stated on numerous occasions the dues increase clearly stated at the top of the proposed budget for clearly political purposes was and is an unnecessary dues increase. If people would read our financial report, it clearly spells

 ELECT FRESH CANDIDATES ON SATURDAYThe current Board decided to move the Vote for New Board Members right ahead of the Financial Report thereby moving the Financial Reports and the approval of the 2024 Budget AFTER MEMBERS HAVE PLACED THEIR VOTE ...

Dear Ms Love, I tried to clearly point out that your comments regarding Ms Amason's last blog were not only rude and surely divisive but that seems to be the rant that the group you support adheres to. Therefore, it was not surprising. So, I will try

To Tolomato Property Owners,I was asked to prepare an introduction for a letter to be presented as the June 19th, 2023 Board meeting. The letter was to address to the current Board and the intent to hopefully engage the Board in open discussion with ...

To paraphrase the poet, "For even the dull and ignorant must be allowed a voice". Enough said......

Richard and Martha Lang OUR RESPONSE ABOVE WAS TO MS LOVE'S POST and NOT what Krista wrote. We applaud what Krista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU. 10 months ago

Steve, you have so much to offer our community and I welcome you to serve on our Board. I specifically like your comments regarding immediately conduct a thorough financial and operational audit and establish regular audits of all association finance

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