Ginny Luizer is friends with Phillip Kempton
Zulu--We should have...Zulu--We should have had a conversation.
Please find below a link to my summary of the discussion that occurred at the April Board Meeting.
I agree with George, we should have secured and opinion/quote for extending the dock landing.
I agree with Lynn, we should have presented all options to the community.
The community may have decided to restore the entire shoreline.
Maybe, someone might have suggested that we address the immediate concern for safety by extending the dock landing now (since there are no permits this could be done in short order), then follow with a restoration. This could likely be done with little impact on the extended landing.
The point is a conversation is all I ever suggested or tried to start.…
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While not as pressing my questions are just as relevant for a $40,000 unbudgeted expenditure as the were for a $100,000 unbudgeted expenditure--just substitue $40k for $100k. My questions were1. As I understood the discussion of erosion at the commu
Tom Kling addressed the issue with the northeast court. Tom stated that “we” had tamped down the biggest of the offending humps. Tom stated that the other cracks are not wide enough to caulk. Tom stated that the problems we are encountering are co
The Zulu restoration quote presented at the Jan. 25 meeting was for restoration of 160’ of shoreline. The quote included 2 prices for restoration using flexmat. The prices for this option were $108.157 for restoration from the 1-foot tidal mark lan
If you have an email with the POA, you should have received an email with details on 4/22.
Agenda Attached— the Board will be presenting quotes for a financial audit and the shoreline restoration project.I do not know if they will vote on these and ot ...
Board Meeting 4/25...Board Meeting 4/25
Agenda Attached—…
Note the Board will be presenting quotes for a financial audit and the shoreline restoration project. I do not know if they will vote on these and other quotes at the meeting. I have not received any notice about zoom logins for the meeting.
Another significant item is discussion of court maintenance. The ongoing issue over the past 2 ½ years has been the buckling on the north east court. It was patched last year. New buckling presented shortly thereafter and how now flattened out. The court is riddled with significant cracks—…
The southwest court has developed significant cracks which are on the verge of buckling. There are also 3 gouges--…
The remaining 2 courts have a variety of relatively minor cracks. Bottom line the courts were resurfaced in 2017 or 2018 and according to everything I have read are in need of resurfacing of the entire court again.
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Courts have been...Courts have been cleaned but..
One tennis net is still ripped. Furthermore, the board put the net up on the northeast court as if it were safe to play. The humps have gone down but are still a tripping hazard. The court actually presents more of a liability because it is not as obvious until you start playing.
I was told the only solution is to redo the courts in total because just doing one section would leave a ridge. The courts were redone in 2017 or 2018. As such they are due for resurfacing as is evidenced by the cracks and buckling.
But we need a living shoreline at the community dock.😏
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Maybe the board should use the pickle ball net frame to support some yellow caution tape. 9 months ago
New on on
Feb. financials, Newsletter with meeting dates and social calendar, Historic Preservation presentation from the town hall.
Still waiting--videos of meetings and meeting minutes.
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Pool Party
TIPOA is...Pool Party
TIPOA is having an opening of the pool party on Sat. 9/13. I have included a link to the flyer in the event you did not get one or lost it. The board has asked for rsvp so they know how many hot dogs and hamburgers are needed.
Come on out and support the candidates you voted for and enjoy the amenities your dues support.
The water will likely be too cold for swimming so I will be bringing a bochi ball set. I have also asked the pickleball group to bring paddles so we can introduce new members and/or some youngsters to the game.…
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Anyway no one can say I didn't try. 9 months ago
From the townhall, the Board is very serious about this. In my opinion this will severely limit the ability to respond to major storms like Mathew and Irma of 2016 and 2017. We lost several docks in our creeks. Southerland Bluff lost their dock i
Ginny Luizer is friends with Peter Farley Lyle
In my opinion, we should not embark upon a $100k living shoreline if there are less expensive options for maintaining the integrity of the dock landing (i.e. extending the landing 8 foot and let nature take its course).My opinion is based upon the fa ...
Basic Information
About me
2 retired college professors. One loves gardening and playing guitar. The other loves pickleball and fishing.