Elaine Day is friends with Peter Farley Lyle

Elaine Day is friends with Lynn Brenton

Elaine Day is friends with Diane Bigham

Elaine Day is friends with toloadmin

Elaine Day is friends with Victoria Love

Elaine Day is friends with George f Bigham

Elaine Day is friends with Warren Amason

Elaine Day is friends with Cheri Weston

I was walking my dog one evening in our neighborhood and a bicyclist came by at high speed. It was pitch dark and, although he had some sort of lighting mechanism, I did not see him until he was almost passed me. The scary part is my dog attempted to ...

     I was walking my dog one evening in our neighborhood and a bicyclist came by at high speed.  It was pitch dark and, although he had some sort of lighting mechanism, I did not see him until he was almost passed me.  The s ...

Elaine Day is friends with Krista Amason

Elaine Day is friends with Steve Anderson

Elaine Day is friends with Carl Weston

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