Budget Blundering Results in an Unnecessary and Irresponsible Annual Dues IncreaseAt the 2023 TIPOA annual meeting VP and acting Secretary Cliff Sowell took questions from the floor about the 2024 budget and the Board mandated annual dues increase. M ...

It is entirely reasonable to investigate installing speed humps on Mission Drive. If the county really doesn't care about Mission Drive, why would they care if a few speed humps magically showed up? They wouldn't. This is another situation that, i

Ethics is professional integrity. Integrity is doing what's right when no one is looking.The TIPOA Board should hold itself to the highest ethical standard within our Tolomato community. If 'distressed dues' property purchases were done when "no on

Ethics is professional integrity. Integrity is doing what's right when no one is looking.The TIPOA Board should hold itself to the highest ethical standard within our Tolomato community. If 'distressed dues' property purchases were done when "no on

The TIPOA Bylaws takes precedence. However, it is my goal that the TIPOA Board designs its meetings in a way that values community input and should give the community they represent an opportunity to comment on and be a genuine part of the decision

Steve Anderson is friends with Lynn Brenton

John,I'm a big fan to potentially have the opportunity to work together with you on the Tolomato board. Your previous experience on perhaps the best functioning ARB Tolomato has ever had tells me that great things can be accomplished and are within

Heather,I'm excited to see you as a candidate. I love it that you have previous HOA experience as Treasurer and that you are an engineer! I know that engineers are detailed oriented problem solvers in this world and enthusiasm and creativity is the

Yes, thank you. It's 'our' money and we should know and feel confident that financial resources have accountability. Also, it is totally unacceptable that anyone who serves in a position of trust and then uses their position and inside information

There a several options that the TIPOA Board should investigate. For the association I am president, we work with the county that has a program for lighting options where the county installs the lights and run the power line and we pay a low monthly

Richard and Martha Lang Great idea Steve. You certainly have our vote. Martha and Dick Lang 11 months ago

Elaine Day is friends with Steve Anderson

Carl Weston is friends with Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is friends with Cheri Weston

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