ELECT FRESH CANDIDATES ON SATURDAY The current Board decided to move the Vote for New Board Members right ahead of the Financial Report thereby moving the Financial Reports and the approval of the 2024 Budget AFTER MEMBERS HAVE PLACED THEIR VOTES FOR THE 2024 BOARD. You have to ask yourself WHY? Well, now you have been asked to place your vot...

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Let "Fresh Know" (from 11/24/23 Newsletter)

This blog has been created for your suggestions or comments to Fresh Candidates - Please Read:  "The beauty of Tolomato Island extends beyond the live oaks, the moss, the pond, and its many styles of homes to the people.  The people of Tolomato are smart and caring and unusually successful.  Leaders would be wise ...

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'24 Board Candidates Election Blog

To view the '24 Board Candidates click here. The '24 TIPOA Board Election Campaigning Has Begun!  Please take some time and review the Candidate Profiles that have been posted below.   There are several easy ways to vote. 1) Vote in person at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, December 2, 2023, 3:30 sharp, @ the Lion's Club, 905 E....

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Vote for a brighter Tolomato future!!

To Tolomato Property Owners, I was asked to prepare an introduction for a letter to be presented at the June 19th, 2023 Board meeting. The letter was addressed to the current Board with the intent to hopefully engage the Board in open discussion with many who live here; the following is an excerpt from that introduction. Good evening, I h...

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George Bigham '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors George Bigham From our first drive across the causeway in the fall of 2015, to purchasing our lot, selecting a house plan and builder, then excitedly watching the progress and moving into our new home on Valentine's Day 2017, my wife, Dee, and I vowed we would never take for granted this idyllic plac...

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Lynn Brenton '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors Lynn Brenton Originally from Pennsylvania, my husband Jamie and I have lived in Georgia for the past 34 years. We knew we wanted to call Tolomato Island our home, back in 2008 when we first saw the breathtaking live oaks on Mission Drive, and bought our lot. We moved here just 4 years ago after havin...

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Steve Anderson '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors                            Steve Anderson My name is Steve Anderson. I am announcing my candidacy for the 2024 TIPOA Board of Directors. I am looking forward to serving our community by helping to develop a collaborative, transpare...

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Heather Rowe '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors                           Heather Rowe  Hi! I am Heather Rowe. Our family purchased our lot on Tolomato Island in 2021 and designed and built our house. We moved into our home in April of 2023.  I am a transplant and ran ...

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