Board Meeting 4/25 -- Big Ticket Items

Agenda Attached— Note the Board will be presenting quotes for a financial audit and the shoreline restoration project.I do not know if they will vote on these and other quotes at the meeting.I have not received any notice about zoom logins for the meeting. Another...

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Zulu restoration— Don’t deplete our reserve account for this project without presenting all options to the entire membership for a straw vote.

In my opinion, we should not embark upon a $100k living shoreline if there are less expensive options for maintaining the integrity of the dock landing (i.e. extending the landing 8 foot and let nature take its course).My opinion is based upon the fact that the $100k expenditure would have to come from the reserve fund.This would reduce the reserve...

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Revised Agenda for 2023 Annual Meeting

On the day before Thanksgiving at 7:30 in the evening, the Board sent, via email, a revised agenda for the 12/2 Annual Membership Meeting.  I have supplied a link at the end in the event you missed the "last-minute" communication. The time (3:30 to 5:30) has not changed. The Board did rearrange the agenda items. The Board decided move the vote...

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Voting Procedures

Lot's of people have been asking about the voting procedures.  Please see below an email thread with Susan.  Do they have a new set of voting procedures or are they winging it?  Everyone will receive the voting procedures at the same time, when we send them out through the website. On Fri, Nov 24, 2023, 2:31 PM <jimandginny@scenta...

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Level the Playing Field

Level the Playing Field The Board told us that the dollar value of delinquent accounts is concentrated in a handful of properties. Purchases of these distressed properties result in TIPOA recovering these accounts and replaces the accounts with paying home owners, thus purchases of distressed properties should be encouraged. Purchases of these dist...

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Blatant Misrepresentation by the Current Board

The November 6, 2023 Tolomato Owwer's newsletter appropriately notes that the Board is in error when the Board stated that "several members have requested" that a financial audit be performed. A "proposal" for an "operational" audit was presented to the board at the June 2023 board meeting (see attached). I authored and presented the audit pro...

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Re: Important Clarification by Board of Directors (email)

(The TIPOA Board "Notice of Concern" email is available below for review or download.) TO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. October 16, 2023  Subject: RE: Important Clarification by Board of Directors I am a member of To the best of my knowledge, no member of this group has ever implied that is an official TIPOA s...

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Agenda Item for Oct. Board Meeting--new water impact unit

There will be a vote on a new water impact at Savannah Square.  I am against adding more impact units.   Why?   First our water bill is $4,200 per month.  For what, to water plants that don't need it (i.e. grasses, palmetos, etc.) If your landscaping includes the right plants, they should not have to be watered.  I say...

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Board Refusal to Sanction an Event Sponsored by Homeowners and Approved by TIPOA Social Committee

Just the facts.  Do you believe this Board is serving the community?  If not, volunteer to serve or vote for new Board members.  Request to TIPOA Board Here is a flyer for an end of summer picnic that the Social Committee would like to have approved by the Board for the community. If approved please use the TIPOA email list to share ...

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Rants and Raves

Kudos for having courts clear within 3 days of Hurricane Idalia. Kudos to the board for posting a notice on a dog that got loose the day before the Hurricane. Rant.  While the lawn crew is (on labor day) doing a great job of clearing the easement for non-residents, the crew should do all easements or none.  Residents and non-residents all...

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