The current Board decided to move the Vote for New Board Members right ahead of the Financial Report thereby moving the Financial Reports and the approval of the 2024 Budget AFTER MEMBERS HAVE PLACED THEIR VOTES FOR THE 2024 BOARD.

You have to ask yourself WHY?

Well, now you have been asked to place your vote for the 2024 Board right before the Financial Report and Budget approval without any input on the 2023 Financial Report. This report represents the financial handling of YOUR PAID DUES by the 2023 Board which includes Susan Fardy (President and Julia Vaughn (Assistant Treasurer). These two individuals are running for the 2024 Board.

On October 31, 2023, the current Board stated, OFICIAL NOTICE OF DUES INCREASE FOR 2024.

Let it be known that at the Board Meeting held on May 16th, 2023, Julia Vaughn, acting assistant treasurer gave the Treasurer's report and the financial report was posted on the Tolomato website. The website showed the TIPOA balance sheet as of June 2023 showing current assets of $440,887.43 Total Checking/Savings. So why the proposed increase in our dues? So supposedly this is for "THE AUDIT" which in itself has not been voted upon by the membership but could be ruled by EXECUTIVE ORDER if certain members of the existing Board are re-elected.

Personally, my vote is dependent on how the previous Board has performed, primarily Ms. Fardy as President. It appears that she has control of all emails sent by the Board Tolomato org to TIPOA members and there is a total lack of open communication.

To reiterate what was written in the November Newsletter and posted on the Tolomato Owners Blog:

We Need Fresh! Here's Why. If your heart is telling you to vote for the status quo, the people that care, "the way it used to be", you don't have that option. The facts tell us, that way before our Newsletters and the Special Interest Group, Tolomato Island leaders were on the wrong path. Five years or more of "Stale Thinking" wasn't and isn't working. Stale thinking and vindictive control have divided the community. "Stale" candidates and those adopting Stale ideas, reinvented as Care candidates are about dictated rule and misdirection. The Chosen Few wishes to control every element of Tolomato life, including who gets to live here, and what their homes must look like. There is no meaningful discussion, no new ideas, no accountability as it is always somebody else's fault. "Fresh" thinking candidates are community driven, based on the will of ALL the people - Us, We the Owners. Fresh will be a Board of Directors that reflects the wishes of the Community, not their idea of how the Community should conform to their personal desires.


Steve Anderson

John Bagwell

George Bigham

Lynn Brenton

Heather Rowe

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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

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