Re: Important Clarification by Board of Directors (email)

(The TIPOA Board "Notice of Concern" email is available below for review or download.) TO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. October 16, 2023  Subject: RE: Important Clarification by Board of Directors I am a member of To the best of my knowledge, no member of this group has ever implied that is an official TIPOA s...

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Lynn Brenton '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors Lynn Brenton Originally from Pennsylvania, my husband Jamie and I have lived in Georgia for the past 34 years. We knew we wanted to call Tolomato Island our home, back in 2008 when we first saw the breathtaking live oaks on Mission Drive, and bought our lot. We moved here just 4 years ago after havin...

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George Bigham '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors George Bigham From our first drive across the causeway in the fall of 2015, to purchasing our lot, selecting a house plan and builder, then excitedly watching the progress and moving into our new home on Valentine's Day 2017, my wife, Dee, and I vowed we would never take for granted this idyllic plac...

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Agenda Item for Oct. Board Meeting--new water impact unit

There will be a vote on a new water impact at Savannah Square.  I am against adding more impact units.   Why?   First our water bill is $4,200 per month.  For what, to water plants that don't need it (i.e. grasses, palmetos, etc.) If your landscaping includes the right plants, they should not have to be watered.  I say...

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Heather Rowe '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors                           Heather Rowe  Hi! I am Heather Rowe. Our family purchased our lot on Tolomato Island in 2021 and designed and built our house. We moved into our home in April of 2023.  I am a transplant and ran ...

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Steve Anderson '24 Board Candidate

Candidate for Tolomato Island Board of Directors                            Steve Anderson My name is Steve Anderson. I am announcing my candidacy for the 2024 TIPOA Board of Directors. I am looking forward to serving our community by helping to develop a collaborative, transpare...

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Tolomato Navy - Boat Rides, Flotillas, Cruises

Some of us are Book Club Widowers... that is while our spouses are at Book Club meetings, we may be alone, so we sometimes get together for fellowship, dinner, or to do something fun.  Last week when the BCW met, we talked about getting together boat owners....which I'll call the Tolomato Navy.....form a flotilla and g...

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Response to letter read to Board at June 20, 2023 Meeting

I have recently been made aware of a letter Ms. Julia Vaughn read to the board at the June 20, 2023 meeting; the letter is flawed in many respects. First, it is based on the false premise that "a small number" of residents have concerns about the current Tolomato Board. In fact, there are a great many people in the community who are concerned about...

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Board Refusal to Sanction an Event Sponsored by Homeowners and Approved by TIPOA Social Committee

Just the facts.  Do you believe this Board is serving the community?  If not, volunteer to serve or vote for new Board members.  Request to TIPOA Board Here is a flyer for an end of summer picnic that the Social Committee would like to have approved by the Board for the community. If approved please use the TIPOA email list to share ...

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Rants and Raves

Kudos for having courts clear within 3 days of Hurricane Idalia. Kudos to the board for posting a notice on a dog that got loose the day before the Hurricane. Rant.  While the lawn crew is (on labor day) doing a great job of clearing the easement for non-residents, the crew should do all easements or none.  Residents and non-residents all...

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Tolomato Owners Newsletters

February 6, 2024 Tolomato Owners Newsletter Summary: In this Issue: In this Issue: Just Plain Fun!Following up on Tabby Ruins Preservation Efforts.Another Website Attraction – Tolomato Market Place.Editorial - A Business Approach is Mandatory.Copy Correspondence to All TIPOA Board Members.Debt Forgiveness – What was the Rationale?Why the Increase i...

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Open Communications Using Community Meetings

Using informal "Community Meetings" where residents come together to propose ideas, discuss them and plan in order to find solutions may be the best format. The Board should know that there is already a structure in place for informal community meetings where residents have come to together to propose ideas, discuss them and find solutions for pres...

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Regular Financial Audits Are Needed

As a necessary and prudent business practice, the current Board and all future Boards should retain an independent CPA firm to conduct regular financial and operational audits. This could be done once every three years with an independent annual review by the CPA firm currently retained to prepare and file HOA annual tax returns. The audit would: 1...

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Committee Functions and Board Workload

Committees need the ability to self-establish operational protocols and procedures for their respective committee. Existing charters for each committee should be reviewed and revised as necessary. All charters and operational methods and procedures should be published.  

Just Do It! A Tolomato Master Plan

The elected TIPOA Boards of Tolomato have historically taken a custodial approach, as outlined by the by-laws, to managing the community. While this has been adequate in the past, it is becoming more important for TIPOA leadership to focus on the future. As Tolomato continues to grow, a Master Plan for the future development and associated cap...

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Island Politics

Coming Soon TIPOA Board MembersARB Board MembersTIPOA Committee Chairs & InformationDecember 2023 Annual Board Meeting Information       Annual Board Meeting 2023 will be held on December 2, 2023.  See CalendarGet To Know Your Board Candidates      See Island News > '24 Board Candidates BlogB...

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