Tolomato Owners Newsletters

February 6, 2024 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

Summary: In this Issue:

In this Issue:

Just Plain Fun!
Following up on Tabby Ruins Preservation Efforts.
Another Website Attraction – Tolomato Market Place.
Editorial - A Business Approach is Mandatory.
Copy Correspondence to All TIPOA Board Members.
Debt Forgiveness – What was the Rationale?
Why the Increase in Annual Assessment (Dues)?
What Happened to the Audit and Audit Committee?
Board's Attorney Advice Process.

1.4 mb

December 23, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

Summary: In this Issue:

Santa's Visit
A Wonderful Addition to the Tolomato Owner's Website

688 kb

December 4, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

Summary: In this Issue:

SIG Election Newsletter--Thank You

The Tolomato Island election of the Board of Directors is over. In unofficial results, Fresh Candidates will fill 3 of 7 positions – the Board was expanded to 7 members to resolve a 3-way tie. Based on 2-minute speeches at the Annual meeting, there is much work to do to find common ground, and heal the division created over the past years. We pray, that all Directors will find a way to work toward consensus on all matters before them...(continued in the newsletter)...

163 kb

November 24, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

Summary: In this issue:

We Need Fresh Ideas! Stale Thinking isn't Working!
YOU Can Make a Difference!
Tolomato Owners Have a Voice.
Another Hand in Your Wallet - Lowered Property Values.
Selective Enforcement = Discrimination.
Much Needed Governance Changes.
Election Fairness.
The "S" List – An Editorial.

Let Fresh Know. 

574 kb
195 kb

November 6, 2023 Tolomato  Owners Newsletter

Summary: In this issue:

Clinging to the Covenants.
Vote For, Not Against!
Big Money SIG ($$$ SIG) – We like it!
Directed Proxies – Really Participate in this Election.
Franklin or was it Einstein?

1.2 mb

October 30, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

Summary: Halloween Edition.  It highlights an evening of Hayrides and Trick or Treating and some stories from owners about their own Halloween fun. 

2.4 mb

October 23, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

Summary: Tolomato SIG Election News:
  • Meet the Candidates Night
  • The need for "directed" proxies.
  • We discuss Fake News
  • We Crack a few more Eggs.
Tolomato Owners Newsletter
  • Preserving Our Valued Assets – a great story about generosity and volunteerism 
1008 kb

October 12, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter Supplement

     Summary: Who and What is Tolomato Owners Special Interest Group (SIG)

234 kb

October 12, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

     Summary: Announcement and endorsement of '24 Board Candidate: John Bagwell; 

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October 8, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

     Summary: Announcement and endorsement of two '24 Board Candidates; Heather Rowe and Steve Anderson 

168 kb

October 5, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

     Summary: Update and progress thus far on the new web site and changes you will begin to see in the next few days that will, among other things, allow you to directly discuss issues with the '24 TIPOA Board candidates. 

178 kb

September 1, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

     Summary: Update and announcement on new website and email system for Tolomato owners.  Introduction to Blogs and Events on the website. Forum for upcoming (December 2023) TIPOA Board of Director elections.

169 kb

 August 19, 2023 Tolomato Owners Newsletter

     Summary:  Update on Combining Lots Amendment; Update on Legal Opinion On Owner's Inherent Rights To Combine Lots; ARB Liability Non Discrimination; Follow up on Board Response to Owners Letter-June Board Meeting;

205 kb


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