By Amason on Tuesday, 07 November 2023
Category: Island News

To Amplify a well stated case...a response to Nov. 6 Newsletter

​Reflection would be a function of a desire to best serve and represent the interests of the community.  If, however, decisions are driven more by personal agenda, then no reflection is necessary...I fear none will be forthcoming. The sad reality of the past Boards of 5 or 6 years is that owners or anyone with a simple difference of opinion are denigrated and cast as the "Divisive Enemy".  

With this Board, the covenants are selectively applied.  They are amplified when they support their agenda and ignored when they don't.  

The five candidates that I am supporting, Lynn Brenton, Heather Rowe, Steve Anderson, John Bagwell and George Bigham represent a breath of fresh air and their motivations are genuinely for the best interests of the community. 

Given Mr. Jeff Long's extensive history of vitriolic rhetoric, his current positions and insults hurled at Tolomato owners is stunning! 

Let's bridge the divide and bring on a Board with a fresh perspective and openness to owners input and ideas, transparent communications and a more truly inclusive process. 

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