Our Thicket / Tolomato History - Curator Team Only

Our Thicket / Tolomato History - Curator Team Only

A collection of documentation and research surrounding the Thicket, Tolomato Island and SE Geogia

  • The history of Southeast Georgia is an amazing collection of influences, from Native peoples to conquerors, to settlers, and beyond. In this closed group we provide access to documentation, independent research conducted by Mr. Phil Sikora and chosen assistants, and provide a vehicle for discussion, challenges and questions. Please note, all copyrights etc. are preserved.

    Our Thicket / Tolomato History is a multi-part system, providing several access opportunities

    - This Group (Public Access) provides a sample of documentation and research available on this website. It is accessible by the Public
    - The Library (Any Registered Users) provides access to documentation and research. Accessible by Registered Users.
    - The Blog (Any Registered Users) provides an opportunity for all to present findings, offer theories and documentation or to simply ask questions, and discuss areas of interest. Please note, all copyrights etc. are preserved. It is envisioned that newly acquired documentation, with permission, will be moved to the Library. Accessible by Registered Users.
    - The Curator Team (Members Only) consists of the Curator and chosen assistants. It is a closed group.

  • Category
  • Created
    Monday, 05 February 2024
  • Group admin
    Historical Curator

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