By 1030 Guale Pt on Thursday, 16 November 2023
Category: Island Politics

Vote for a brighter Tolomato future!!

To Tolomato Property Owners,

I was asked to prepare an introduction for a letter to be presented at the June 19th, 2023 Board meeting. The letter was addressed to the current Board with the intent to hopefully engage the Board in open discussion with many who live here; the following is an excerpt from that introduction.

Good evening,

I have been asked to present this open letter to the current Tolomato Community Board of Directors. The letter is a composite based on the input of many residents attending several meetings and are the endorsers whose names appear at the end of the document. They are agreeing that a fractured community need the help of ALL its residents. To this end we hope the Board will see the merit of the letter's intent.

Some of the subjects addressed in this letter are:

We ask that the minutes reflect this presentation ("the minutes did not"). After the Board's review of the letter's contents, we requested that the Board respond via email within two weeks letting the community know that we can all work together for a better community. ("we are still waiting for that response").

Thank you for your attention.

Dick Lang

Unfortunately, our request as well as the letter were totally ignored and that attitude of the existing Board is what has led to the following members stepping up to run for Board positions to represent ALL property owners and not just a selected few. Please take a moment to review their brief resumes all of which believe in open communication, transparency, planning for the future, financial responsibility and protection of our property values. The candidates are as follows and we hope you see the merit in voting for them.

In alphabetical order:

Steve Anderson

John Bagwell

George Bigham

Lynn Brenton

Heather Rowe

We hope you vote for the candidates we have endorsed; however, we of course respect your right to vote for whomever you please. Two trusted people have volunteered to accept proxies and will vote as you direct, or for the endorsed candidates (Anderson, Bagwell, Bigham, Brenton, Rowe) if you do not specify your 5 candidates of choice. Please appoint Doug or Ginny and send them your completed proxy.

Doug Burger, 1185 Old Cane Mill Drive SE., Darien, GA 31305

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Text: (575) 637-9588


Ginny Luizer, 1123 Mission Drive, SE Darien, GA 31305

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Text: (912) 324-0147

Note: an easy way to send your proxy would be to take a clear picture of your completed proxy form and text the picture to one of the above volunteers.

Doug and Ginny will confirm they have received your proxy(s), ensure it is complete, copy it, and will deliver it to the Secretary. It would be helpful if you are mailing the proxy to let us know via email you are sending the proxy, so it will not be lost. If you are uncertain whether you will be attending the December 2nd Annual Meeting, send Doug or Ginny your proxy anyway. If you attend the meeting your proxy will automatically be revoked.


Richard "Dick" Lang 

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