By Editorial Panel on Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Category: Island Politics

Open Dialog - Newsletter - Readers Respond

Editorial Panel (EP) – We received this email, written on October 23, at 10 PM. We have purposely posted it without identifying the author. The author can of course add their identity to this post.

Whenever the Editorial Panel or Special Interest Group (SIG) responds to an email or FAKE news, we risk alienating someone. To let either pass without comment though, is perpetuating misinformation.

THE EMAIL - "Unfortunately not Everyone WAS INVITED to meet the candidate party! Why would we want someone on the board who has never even lived here AND is discontent with the existing living conditions of this beautiful community and is determined to undermine the established way of living here? Why not build somewhere more suited to their taste instead of coming in and causing division amongst neighbors who were before getting along? Why are neighbors being so inconsiderate of one another? Why can't we respond to your newsletter? Why isn't everyone being included like you newsletter PRETENDS is being done? Why are you trying to create division between the two sides of the 'pond'?"

EP - We should have stated that anyone can comment on the Newsletter by adding comments on this web site. To answer this email, we have broken it down:

"Unfortunately, not Everyone WAS INVITED to meet the candidate party!"

EP - The Meet the Candidates Event was a private party. There may be others. We are very much open to a fair open event which would include all the candidates running for the Board of Directors. At this time, we understand there are 5 more candidates, but the President of the Board has not released their names.

"Why would we want someone on the board who has never even lived here….."

EP - You just described the current Board TreasurerThere are approximately 130 non-resident owners of Tolomato Island properties, about ½ of the ownership. They pay ½ the total assessments (thus ½ our bills), ½ of all lot taxes to the County etc., and for the most part don't utilize the amenities (pool, pickle ball courts, boat dock). They have ZERO representation on the Board of Directors, and because of poor policy, they, and those of us who own additional property, are getting a terrible return on their investment. Worse, they often have a very hard time building their dream home, when they choose to move here.

"…..AND is discontent with the existing living conditions of this beautiful community and is determined to undermine the established way of living here?"

EP – With all due respect, your notion that someone "is discontent…..determined to undermine the established way of living etc.", is your projection, and is not based on facts. It is important to remember that all of us were new to Tolomato Island once. Our experience is Tolomato Island is a welcoming place, and not at all judgmental.

"Why not build somewhere more suited to their taste instead of coming in and causing division amongst neighbors who were before getting along?"

EP - Again, a projection not based on any facts.  Most of the people we have talked to, are anxious to move to Tolomato Island. None are trying to cause division. Building a home of their choosing within the Architectural Guidelines is their right. Lawfully building on any portion of their lot is also their right.  Openly running for the Board of Directors is not only their right, but it should be applauded.

"Why are neighbors being so inconsiderate of one another?"

EP - We suspect this is a rhetorical question. Some people on both "sides" react strongly, and they are being goaded to take sides, creating tension and inconsiderate action. The Newsletter and  SIG puts forth information that is true to the best of our ability.

If you remember, there was a ground swell for change in the 2022 election, and new board members were elected. However, with various leadership maneuvers, the same people are back, now in different roles operating the Board of Directors and the ARB. There is still a need for change, which SIG supports.

Why can't we respond to your newsletter?

EP - You just did. The best method is to post comments on You will need to register to post.

Why isn't everyone being included like your newsletter PRETENDS is being done?

EP - Anyone can read the articles, posts etc. on this web site. To post you need to register. Any owner can register. There is no other voice for Tolomato Owners. Board of Director leadership does not offer a mechanism for information sharing or respectful debate.

Why are you trying to create division between the two sides of the 'pond'?

EP - The Newsletter and SIG have taken the high road. SIG responded to FAKE News, that is being broadcast. Neither the EP nor SIG initiates FAKE News. If "sides" stick to the issues, we would all be better served. We more than anyone, value the greater Tolomato community, including those on all sides of the pond, and those that currently do not live here. 

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