By Warren on Thursday, 21 September 2023
Category: General Information

Response to letter read to Board at June 20, 2023 Meeting

I have recently been made aware of a letter Ms. Julia Vaughn read to the board at the June 20, 2023 meeting; the letter is flawed in many respects.

First, it is based on the false premise that "a small number" of residents have concerns about the current Tolomato Board. In fact, there are a great many people in the community who are concerned about the trajectory of this Board. It also asserts that there is an "orchestrated" effort to discredit this board. The reality is that no such effort could touch the degree to which this Board has discredited itself. Consider the following:

In short, the "discrediting" of this board has not been done by any element of the community but rather by the consistent pattern of the board's own actions…it continues to this day.

Ms. Vaughn's second paragraph is dedicated to the topic of a master plan for the community. Once again, she creates a conspiratorial precept ("these residents") and proceeds with the false premise that the topics that would typically be considered in a master plan have already been concluded "suggesting the need for expanding etc". She goes on to assert that there "is and has been a master plan for the community since 2001". There was a marketing piece titled "Master Plan" that was nothing more than a plat of the community. Could this be the Master Plan to which Ms. Vaughn is referring?  In short, her assertions are misleading, inflammatory and generally a rationale to do nothing.

The third paragraph of Ms. Vaughn's letter addresses the maintenance of the community but is something of a "red herring" in as much as no one has questioned that. It is worth noting, however, that the work necessary to maintain the community's appearance is performed by contracted vendors and committees.

As for the community's fiscal posture, I trust it is sound and can think of no reason why it should not be. That being the case it is curious that some are so ardently opposed to the prudent business practice of a periodic audit. Tolomato has never had one.

The community casts it's votes every December in a good faith effort to elect a Board that will address both individual and collective concerns and desires in an evenhanded and respectful manner. It is not too much to ask. Unfortunately, our governing documents were drawn up to protect the interests of the developer. Boards can use these documents as a guide for the conduct of the community's business or as a shield to insulate the Board from the community. Recent Boards have done the latter. I fear the ultimate effect, if not purpose, of Ms. Vaughn's letter is to stymie community dialog, not encourage it. 

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