By Casper-Admin Liaison on Thursday, 13 July 2023
Category: General Information

Open Communications Using Community Meetings

Using informal "Community Meetings" where residents come together to propose ideas, discuss them and plan in order to find solutions may be the best format. The Board should know that there is already a structure in place for informal community meetings where residents have come to together to propose ideas, discuss them and find solutions for pressing issues. The format does not follow ridged rules. Progress that is made in these sessions can be acted upon, or where appropriate could be brought to a Board meeting.

We encourage the current TIPOA Board and future Boards to not only accept these member efforts but encourage community participation in work sessions and board meetings. Ideas should be exchanged, considered and surveys can be done on how best to administer and plan for the future. These meetings should produce long term benefits to everyone in the community as we have a respectful dialog to work through issues which impact us all. 

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